1028 White Point Road
Niceville, FL 32578
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
"Put all the enthusiasm of your age into the encounter with Jesus hidden under the Eucharistic veil. Offer Jesus your hands, your thoughts, and your time," he urged, "and He will not fail to reward you, giving you true joy and making you feel where the most complete happiness is."
Fr. Bob requires attendance at one formal training session per calendar year. This requirement is met by attending one of the quarterly training sessions. Quarterly training is conducted [Aug, Nov, Feb, May]. Actual dates and times are published in the bulletin and also sent out using Flock Note. If you are a new server entering the program between the quarterly training sessions, your initial training is conducted by on-the-job training (OJT). OJT is undertaken by the parish installed Acolyte, Mr. Tom Tolztien.
Below is an electronic form to be filled out by the parent. Once complete, it is sent to the Altar Server administrator's e-mail.
Additionally, you will find two documents on the lower left side of this page, one titled "Conditions and Parental Consent" and the other "Media Release Form." These forms should be downloaded, filled in, and signed by the parent and server. Bring these forms with you when you attend the required training. Because we frequently photograph or live stream our liturgical services, the Media Release form is required. You will not be placed on the schedule to serve without these forms and the required OJT.
We encourage at least one parent attend their child's training session.
If you are interested in accepting our invitation, please complete the form below, and we will help you start this incredible ministry.
If you have specific questions, please e-mail one of the following:
Mr. Tom Tolzien at [email protected]