1028 White Point Road
Niceville, FL 32578
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Altar servers have the privilege of assisting the priest in the sanctuary during the Mass and other liturgical functions. Servers carry the cross, the candles, hold the book for the priest, carry the incense, assist in setting the altar during the preparation of the gifts. They also wash the hands of the priest, ring the altar bell at the consecration, and assist the priest and deacon as necessary. Must have received First Communion.
POC: Tom Toltzien 850-797-4562
Proclaim the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word
POC: Tom Toltzien 850-797-4562
Distribute Holy Communion and take Holy Communion to the sick or those unable to attend Mass
POC: Lenny Smales 850-865-0391
Carefully arrange the liturgical books, vestments, sacred vessels & items necessary in the celebration of the Mass & sacraments
POC: Michele McCormick 850-502-0684
Greet people entering the Sanctuary, choose gift bearers for offertory, collect offering, direct communion traffic, are punctual and are considered ambassadors of the parish.
POC: Bob Garcia 860-841-7022
Welcome people entering the Narthex for Mass, distribute bulletins and worship aids, are punctual and considered ambassadors of the parish.
POC: Kathy Vanderburg 850-543-1323
Music Ministry
Provides musical support for the Masses and other liturgies. Singers & instrumentalists are always needed. Children’s choir also available.
POC: Sarah Dieterich [email protected]
Provide an environment for worship that mediates the presence of God & enhances the sacred Liturgy ~ talent, muscles & the willingness to serve.
POC: Michele McCormick 850-502-0684
Contacts new parishioners by phone and welcomes them to Christ Our Redeemer. On the 1st weekend of every month presents a welcome basket to the new parishioner. Newcomer registration is also done after Masses that same weekend.
POC: Barbara Swanson 619-540-0336
Donut Brigade
Hospitality Ministry that extends fellowship through donuts, coffee and lemonade to everyone each Sunday after the 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses. Volunteers include families to empty nesters to retirees. Ministry lead needed.
POC: Nancy England 850-897-4114
A Servant's Heart
Volunteers help staff and other ministries with a variety of projects at different times throughout the year. Projects vary and your regular, intermittent, or one-time assistance helps accomplish good works.
POC: Karen Booth 850-855-3173
Teams of parishioners pray for those in need. No mtgs.
POC: Beth McDonald 850-897-0549
COMMUNION LIBERATION (CL) Meet weekly (Thurs.) for catechesis to form its members in Christianity to make them coworkers in the Church’s mission in all areas of society. (movement started in church - 1954)
POC: Pam DeLoach 850-218-0443
CURSILLO Stresses personal spiritual development through weekly small group meeting (movement started in church - 1944)
POC: Helen Rosenbaum 850-897-2181
Catholic fraternal organization guided by the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism that support widows & families of deployed military, vocations, victims of natural disaster, youth activities, programs for those who are intellectually challenged, Pro-life, parish and community.
POC: Peter Blaise - Grand Knight
COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) Christ Our Redeemer CCW annually funds two scholarships, help with parish events (picnic, receptions), and hostess funeral receptions. Supports, empowers, & educates women in spirituality, leadership, & service - mission of National Council of Catholic Women. Meet Sept.-June after First Friday Mass.
POC: Pat Kramer 850-543-9256
PRISCILLA CIRCLE Sponsored & affiliated with COR CCW Foster and nurture goals of women with young families or those who cannot meet on Friday mornings.
POC: Bia Rodriguez
NICEVILLE CATHOLIC OUTREACH Niceville Catholic Outreach provides assistance to residents of the Niceville and Valparaiso area needing emergency help with things such things as rent, utilities, prescriptions, and food. NCO serves the needy of our community by offering the Corporal Works of Mercy to all people, regardless of their religious affiliation.
NCO Office: 850-678-7861
SINGLE- DIVORCED- WIDOWED (SDW) S-D-W is a group of ladies and gentlemen who gather on the fourth Sunday of the month after the 10:30 Mass for lunch at noon, fun and fellowship. We go to a different restaurant each month. We take off for summer. We have a great group of friendly people! Open to registered parishioners of Christ Our Redeemer.
POC: Ann Peterson 850-502-6245