1028 White Point Road
Niceville, FL 32578
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
The purpose of the Lector's Ministry is to proclaim the Word of God in the liturgical assembly. The proclamation must be done clearly and with understanding so that all gathered in worship may be nurtured and grow as they are fed from the table of God's Word. In proclaiming the Scriptures, the lector becomes a voice through which the Spirit speaks in the worshiping community. When lectors prepare to proclaim the Word of God, they are not simply practicing for a delivery of the text, but conforming themselves to the Holy Spirit who speaks through them. The Word of God, as proclaimed in the Sacred Scripture, lies at the heart of our Christian life and is integral to all our liturgical celebrations.
As ministers of the Word, lectors must allow the Scriptures to be deeply rooted in their lives. This requires more than a passing familiarity with the printed word. It also demands prayerful study and consultation with various resources that will assist in the comprehension of the sacred text. The lector must also practice the skills of public proclamation. Because of the dignity, importance and responsibility of this particular ministry, pastors and those charged with the responsibility of coordinating the parish worship should take great care in assessing both the spiritual maturity and abilities of those who aspire to this ministry. No one should exercise this ministry who has not been properly prepared.
Lector Coordinator
Mr. Thomas Toltzien
[email protected]