1028 White Point Road
Niceville, FL 32578
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Church is a busy, vibrant faith community. In order for us to be good stewards of our shared space, the following guidelines were created.
These guidelines apply to all Christ Our Redeemer parish ministries, parishioners, groups, programs, and community organizations using Christ Our Redeemer church and facilities. COR is a SMOKE-FREE facility. There is NO SMOKING in the church, parish hall, any of the classrooms, offices, halls or restrooms.
TO BE CONSIDERED A PARISHIONER WHEN REQUESTING USE OF CHURCH OR PARISH HALL ONE MUST BE: Actively recognizably tithing and registered in our data base for six months.
Fees for use of the church for weddings and Fees for parish hall are located in the Facility Use Guidelines as well as the Facilities Use Request Form. The Facilities Use Request Form is a fillable form that you should download, complete and email to [email protected]